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Chinese translation for "acid mist"


Related Translations:
mist:  n.1.雾。 ★ mist 较 fog 淡,较 haze 浓。2.(眼睛的)迷糊,朦胧。3.起蒙蔽作用的东西。短语和例子Scotch mist (苏格兰山区特多的)浓雾;雾雨。 cast [throw] a mist before sb.'s eyes 蒙蔽[迷糊]某人。 in a mist 迷惑着,心里彷徨着。vt.给雾蒙住;使朦胧,使模糊,使迷糊。vi.〔主词用 it〕
scotch mist:  【气象学】苏格兰雾〔多带细雨〕。
Example Sentences:
1.Investigation on the health status of the long - term small - dose acid mist - exposed workers
2.Standard test method for determination of sulfuric acid mist in the workplace atmosphere ion chromatographic
3.The damage of acid mist to the 2030cm01 acid washing line , the principle , the purifying process , the design characteristic and the live using of electrostatic demisting precipitator are introduced
4.This article introduces the corrosion harm of hydrochloric acid mist to the surrounding environments around desalinated - water stations , reasons for the production of acid mist and some corresponding preventing and controlling measures such as rebuilding the acid storage tank , airproofing the neutralization pond , correctly configuring the acid mist absorber and strengthening the management of unloading installations
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